Day of the Indigenous Woman

The National Coordinator of Indigenous Women of Panamá (CONAMUIP) Four Worlds Foundation, the Ministry of Agriculture Development, the Indigenous Peoples’ Office of the University of Panama, the Peoples Defense, held a National Forum “Building participation and unity facing the challenges” to celebrate the Day of the Indigenous Woman in José D. Moscote’s Auditorium of the University.

The main subject addressed–to build participation aimed to promote unity amongst indigenous women and enable them to fight the humiliations they are subjected to. Lilia Herrera from The People’s Defense said “A woman is part of the man’s life. History has been changing, and we are living in a world filled with violence, where women have been victims of such violence. Currently women say it is enough, because we want to build not only a home but a country.” The Day of Indigenous Women is declared on September 5th each year to enhance and foster the values of Panamanian Indigenous women’s values, virtues, culture, and traditions which women contribute to the country’s development.